The Association Between Parental Separation and the Development of Alcohol Use Disorders in Offspring

Sara Parmet
Sara Parmet

Sara Parmet is a freshman at Wesleyan University from Westchester, New York. She hopes to major in Science in Society.


On average, children of divorced parents are less likely to be well-adjusted socially, emotionally, and academically than children whose parents remain together. One issue that is seen more in children of divorce is alcohol use disorders. The connection between parental divorce and the development of alcohol use disorders in children has only recently been explored. Based on current literature, there is clear evidence that parental divorce or separation is a significant predictor of offspring developing an alcohol use disorder. However, it is unclear whether the age of the offspring at the time of separation has any significance. The goals of my study were to establish the relationship between parental divorce or separation and the development of alcohol use disorders in offspring and determine whether that relationship strengthens depending on the age of the respondent at the time of divorce.

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