Is Climate Change Concern Connected by Political Party or Trump Climate Policy Approval?

Live Poster Session:

Nathan Aszkenazy
Nathan Aszkenazy

Nathan is a member of the Class of 2024 at Wesleyan University planning to major in Economics and minor in Data Analysis. Prior to attending Wesleyan, Nathan attended Campbell Hall School in North Hollywood, California. At Wesleyan, he is a member of the Football team and Be The Match Biorepository.

Abstract: The goals of the present analysis include 1) establishing the relationship between political party and climate change belief/concern, and 2) determining whether there is a relationship between climate change belief/concern and Trump climate policy approval. Although the relationship between party and climate change has been thoroughly studied already, it is necessary to show where those who believe in climate change lie on the political spectrum in this analysis. However, the main goal of this study will be to investigate whether individuals who support Trump’s climate policy are more likely to not believe in global warming or view it as a threat.
