The Association between Perceived Parental Care and Violent Tendencies among Adolescents

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Piya Oberoi
Piya Oberoi

Hi! My name is Piya and I am a junior double majoring in Neuroscience & Behavior and Science in Society (SiSP) with a minor in Civic Engagement. I am an international student, born in Singapore and raised in Dubai, UAE. I am interested in the racialized and gendered history of healthcare alongside the psychological/biological basis of addiction and trauma. Taking R this semester has helped me visualize my passions and interests.

Abstract: Affection, love, and care from parents are cherished by children as they grow up learning to navigate the world. How much care a parent gives a child is something that is usually unmeasurable. However, what if the perceived care given by parents affects how violent a child may be? What if the association between perceived parental care and violent behavior tendencies is significant? These are important questions as a positive association between the factors can ultimately affect a child’s well-being, safety, and emotional security. This can also be important in restructuring family dynamics and in concluding the importance of affection, love, and care in familial relationships.
